Welcome to the San Francisco Department of Children, Youth and Their Families Online Request for Proposal System!

To download a copy of the RFP document and start submitting proposals, log in or create a user account.
If you do not have a user account, click here to create one.

Log into the RFP System:



Forgot your username or password?

Don't have an account? Create one.
Please Note: Agencies that applied to the 2018-2023 and/or the 2019-2023 RFPs may use their existing user accounts to apply for subsequent DCYF RFP cycles. To retrieve your prior RFP account's username and reset your password, click the 'Forgot your username or password?' link and enter the email address attached to your agency's prior account(s). Reset the password for an account with the system name of 'SF DCYF RFP'.

If you have trouble creating a user account or logging in, call the Cityspan help desk at (866) 469-6884. To learn more about the DCYF RFP, visit the DCYF website.